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New Arrivals


Abigail - Intercourse & Lust CD

Anatomia - Decaying in Obscurity (10th Anniversary Edition) CD

Asgrauw - Oorsprong CD

Askeesi - The Roots of a Sacred Tree CD

Besatt - In Nomine Satanas CD

Besatt - Black Mass CD

Besatt - Demonicon CD

Besatt - Supreme and True at Night CD

Blackdeath - Phantasmhassgorie CD

Coffins - Buried Death CD

Departure Chandelier - Antichrist Rise to Power CD

Departure Chandelier - Satan Soldier of Fortune CD

Eternal Rot - Putridarium CD

Embrace of Thorns - Scorn Aesthetics CD

Evil Incarnate - Lucifers Crown CD

Gusoh - CD

Hegemoon / Wartödd - W majestacie bluźnierstwa CD

Impurity - Satanic Metal Kingdom CD

Kalmankantaja - Metsäuhri CD

Leszy - Hymny Nocy CD

Master - Slaves to Society CD

Moriturus - Gdy rozum śpi, budzą się demony CD

Piorun - Stajemy jak Ojce CD

Sabbat - Karisma CD

Sabbat - The Dwelling CD

Sabbat - Fetishism CD

Sabbat / Krigere Wolf - E.C.A. (Extermination Cult Alliance) CD

Sabbat / Impurity - Rage and Horrors CD

Slavecrushing Tyrant - Slavecrushing Tyrant CD

Slavland - Wiec CD

Upir - Possession DIGIPACK

Vermeth - Suicide or Be Killed! CD


Absurd - Der Kaiser in dem Berge CD

Azelsgard - Wojna bez końca MC

Betula - Revival CD

Caverne - La fin de tous les chants LP

Clandestine Blaze - City of Slaughter CD

Clandestine Blaze - Fist of the Northern Destroyer CD

Clandestine Blaze - Deliverers of Faith CD

Clandestine Blaze - Night of the Unholy Flames CD

Clandestine Blaze - Church of Atrocity CD

Clandestine Blaze - Harmony of Struggle CD

Clandestine Blaze - Secrets of Laceration CD

Clandestine Blaze - Falling Monuments CD

Clandestine Blaze - Tranquility of Death CD

Clandestine Blaze - Resacralize the Unknown CD

Clandestine Blaze - Resacralize the Unknown LP

Clandestine Blaze / Satanic Warmaster Split CD DIGIPACK

I.N.F.A.N.T.R.Y. - Progressive Bullshit CD

Nécropole - Yoga LP

Non Opus Dei - Yfel / Iliaest CD

Vapaudenristi - Paikalla! CD

Witchmaster - No Peace at All & Thrash ör Die! CD


Actum Inferni - Uzurpator niebiańskiego tronu CD

Non Opus Dei - Diabolical Metal CD

Non Opus Dei - Applied Diabology CD

Sarg - W drodze donikąd CD

Trwoga - Triumphus Mortis CD

Tuslatarahn - Erwachen CD

White Devils - Manifest Oporu 2005 - 2011 7 CD BOX

White Devils T-SHIRT


Antumbra - Days of Future Ravaged Lands CD

Antumbra - Oblivion CD

Damnation - Fátum CD

Dark Reflection - Under the Sign of Vlad Tepes CD

Deimos - Death Squad CD

Deimos - Insane CD

Disinter - Laments of the Unborn CD

Depths, Darkness and Death - A Tribute to Herr Burzum DIGIPACK

Endless Dark - The Kingdoom CD

Genune - Inert & Unerring CD

Gothic - Underground CD

In Viscero - Italia violenta CD

Kolac - Kolac CD

Morgue Meat - Apocalyptic Visions CD

Ordinul Negru - Dodekatemoria CD

Ultimatum - Among Potential States CD

Vorus - Desolate Eternities CD


Biały Viteź - Odejść by wiecznie żyć CD

Flame of War - Transcendence CD

Gniew - Konsylium oprawców CD

Moontower - To the Dark Aeon II CD

Vermisst - Zmierzch stalowej ciemności DIGIPACK


Armaggedon - Fuck Your God TRIPLE GATEFOLD EP

Blutkult - Alte Werte - Neu beseelt GATEFOLD LP

Hrossharsgrani – Eine letzte Reise zurück zum Pfade DOUBLE CD

Krematorium - Von Hexen und Werwölfen CD

Nachtfalke / Hrossharsgrani - Journey's End CD

Nachtfalke - Winterwitch CD

Runenblut - Die Stimme des Blutes LP

Salzlandpest - Als die Flammen loderten DIGIPACK

Tronje / In Via Aeterna – Split CD DIGIPACK


Avox - Desolate Land CD

Circumventor - Norton X CD

Cirrhus - Cirrhus CD

Cirrhus - Live Rehearsal May 2nd, 2009 CD

Dark Fury - Shoot to Kill! T-SHIRT BLACK

Elyvilon - Nimueh's Gift DIGIPACK

Grand Mood - Final Urge to March / The Trench Between Black and White CD

Grizelda - A War Drenched in Fantasy CD

Gromowładny / Winter Moonlight - Barbarzyński młot wojny LP

Kestrel - Primordial Remembrance CD

Kurgan - Ascetic Dissociations LP


Bigotry - Step to the Grave - 30th Anniversary Edition CD

Disfigured Corpse - United He666and LP

Dissolving of Prodigy - Loučení se světem pozemským LP

Euthanasia - Thoughts on Living - After 25 Years DIGIPACK

Hypnotic Scenery - Detur & Crystal Curtain CD

Hypnotic Scenery - Vacuum LP

Rhea - Aurasounds CD

Scenery - Philosophy of Ages.... CD

Thalarion - Cryopreservation CD

Thalarion - Cryopreservation LP


Arkhon Infaustus - Passing the Nekromanteion DIGIPACK

Besatt - Anticross CD

Beyond the Catacombs - Fatal Error CD

Brüka - Death's Promise DIGIPACK

Dark Fury - Slavonic Thunder LP

Different Seasons - Bleeding Summer CD

Gestapo SS - Vinlandic Stormtroopers CD

Hallowmas - The Road to Hallow's Eve CD

Hammer - Rautasiipien alla LP

Hiraeth T-SHIRT

Khors - Letters to the Future Self MC

Last Legion - Metall, blod & aska CD

LIK - Avgrundspoetens flamma LP

LowMist - Custodians of Pain DIGIPACK

Nachtkult - Der Sieg des stolzen Blutes GATEFOLD LP

Neoheresy - Obława DIGIPACK

Neoheresy - Potop DIGIPACK

Neoheresy - Noc która dniem się stała CD

Nokturne - Kruelty Kampaign LP

Norrhem - Vaienneet voittajat LP

Norrhem - Voima ja kunnia / Among the Ruins LP

Theudho - Voorbij de nevelen des tijds CD

Trollgard - Tales of Gold Fever CD

Tusenarseken - Mardrömsmeditationer CD

Tusenarseken - Omhuldra CD

Ultra Sur - Nacido Para Ser Skin CD

Völva - Desires Profane CD

Vredhe - Visions DIGIPACK

Wehrmacht - Wehrmacht CD

Witchblood - Sorceress of the Black Sun CD

Winter Eternal - Realm of the Bleeding Shadows LP

Wotanorden - The Hands of Fate LP

Wotanorden - From the Storm Come the Wolves DOUBLE LP

Wotanorden T-SHIRT



Anal Cunt - Carring about anything is gay CD

Cursed Nazarene - Back to the Cursed Times CD

Enslaved - Erbore Tyskland CD

Godcider - Leviathan CD




Pentagammadion - Legion P14 CD

Slavland - Tarcza Swaroga CD

Slavland - Szepty starych dębów CD


Briargh - Civervo DIGIPACK

Briargh - Autóctono DIGIPACK

CrystalMoors - The Unconquered Land CD

Deprive - Hierarchy of the Fathers CD

Deprive - Into Oblivion CD

Deprive - Temple of the Lost Wisdom CD

Funebre Devastation - Vehement Doomination CD

Hrizg - Soterion CD

Hrizg - Individualism CD

Lucifuego - Malditos Humanos CD

Moshaholics - I Hate Society CD

Nakkiga / Stormstone / Dilaghran / Kult et Morte - Ancient Ceremonies, New Wisdom CD

Seventh Holocaust - Demonic Summoning CD

Stormstone / Vanth - A Prophecy to Come / Chalice of the Faithless CD

Triskelion - Triumph of Misantrophy CD

Vacio - Et Destituta Mortis CD


Nekrodeath Funeral - Cemetery Rituals CD

Saltus - Słowiańska duma CD

Saltus - Imperium słońca CD

Saltus - Opowieści z przeszłości CD

Saltus - Jam jest Samon! CD


Absurd - Totenlieder CD

Frangar - Totalitarian War DIGIPACK

Pantheon - Aryan Rebirth DOUBLE CD

Pantheon - Vargrstrike DOUBLE CD

Pantheon - Paganuclear / Führersland DOUBLE CD

Weltmacht - The Call to Battle CD


Agonia - Ogień sięgnie nieba CD

Blasphemaniac - Night of the Necromancer DIGIPACK

Hell's Coronation / Hepatomancy - Morbid Spells / De Tyrannide Daemonum LP

Ost - Oeuvres Mortes MC

Perunwit - Wszystkie odcienie szarości DIGIPACK

Perunwit - W kręgu dębów DIGIPACK

Temple of Decay - Anti Deus CD

Werendia - Urheimat CD

Werendia - Folkvandringen CD

Werendia - Werendia CD


Dead Reptile Shrine - Blood Grail + Sabbat CD

Eole Noir - De profondes racines DIGIPACK

Limbus Patrum - The Plague CD

Mia - I Love You DIGIPACK

Slough of Despair - Deluge of Regrets CD

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